Don't you want to slide your hard cock in their wet pussy and fuck their brains out?

Pridružil bi se, mislim, da je dovolj prostora še za enega. Ritka se mi zdi osamljena.

Would love to join you, except the best spot is already taken by the looks of things. I guess I would just have to wait my turn . I am sure it would be worth waiting for. Yes, I would love to slide my hard cock into your tight, delicious ass so the bf and I can both fuck you at the same time! Up for some double penetration?!? Znas da bi,samo reci kad.Btw,taj supcic izgleda jako gladan jos jednog kurca.Ka stvoren da sprashim svoj debeli tvrdi kurac do jaja u njega ;-) Oh yeah baby. I'd love to join and slide my hard cock into your tight ass and DP you with your BF. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.What a lucky cock! Sure mine would loooove to taste ur deliiicious pussy hottie!