What a woman! Amazing! I had some dp in pussy years ago. Bareback of course. So that the skin could feel everything. For me, the greatest thing was to feel the other cock on me, to feel it pulsing and gliding along me. Unfortunately, the other had to cum quite fast. I would have liked to enjoy the feeling even longer. But the woman we fucked got off in the moment she felt the ejaculation. So there was no reason for me to hold any longer. We flooded the pussy with sperm. It isn't so difficult to find two guys as it is to find a woman who is willing. You seemed a little uncertain at first, but it didn't take long for you to figure out it would be a real joy ride. REALLY. ?! Hard to find a guy that will do that I'd absolutely LOVE to do that hard to find a girl that will do it ! Ever in the Detroit area hit me up . ID LOVE TO HELP ! You are so true! I tell my hubby that whenever I have two cocks to play with that it's about me and not him. Of course he can watch or participate! My God, where did you ever find such a beautiful and sexy girl. I'd give my Harley to marry a gal like her.Thanks for sharing.
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